
Propoziții cu "preferences"

  • I have a preference for blue over green.
  • He always has a preference for Italian food.
  • My preference is for a smaller car.
  • I have no preference between these two candidates.
  • Her preference is for natural remedies.
  • It's my preference to read before bedtime.
  • He had a preference for fast cars.
  • My preference would be for a house with a garden.
  • They have a preference for hardworking employees.
  • The preference was for the red phone.
  • My preference is for a cooler climate.
  • My preference is for speaking rather than writing.
  • I have a preference for the dark blue suit.
  • What's your preference in terms of a career?
  • His preference was for a quiet life.
  • Make your preference known as soon as possible.
  • The preference in this city is for public transportation.
  • I have a preference for small dogs.
  • They have a preference for foreign products.
  • The preference here is for low-fat diets.
  • She had a preference for dark chocolate.
  • My preference is for a more personal style of management.
  • I have a preference for working alone.
  • His preference was for classical music.
  • My preference for this job is someone with experience.
  • My preference is for an organic solution.
  • The preference was for the longer route.
  • We have a preference for local produce.
  • I have a preference for the afternoon.
  • My preference is for a downtown location.

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